4 The Telencephalon

In this laboratory session, we will study the anatomy of the human telencephalon. The cerebrum or telencephalon is a large part of the brain containing the cerebral cortex (of the two cerebral hemispheres), as well as several subcortical structures, including the hippocampus, basal ganglia, and olfactory bulb. In the human brain, the cerebrum is the uppermost region of the central nervous system. The prosencephalon or forebrain is the embryonic structure from which the cerebrum develops prenatally. In mammals, the dorsal telencephalon, or pallium, develops into the cerebral cortex, and the ventral telencephalon, or subpallium, becomes the basal ganglia. The cerebrum is also divided into approximately symmetric left and right cerebral hemispheres.

Below, you will be presented with a number of figures and asked to label or color certain structures in each figure.

4.1 A Series Of Coronal Sections Of A Human Brain

In Figure 4.1, label the following structures:

  1. The cingulate sulcus
  2. The cingulate gyrus
  3. The corpus callosum
  4. The lateral ventricle
  5. The caudate nucleus
  6. The insula
  7. The lateral sulcus
  8. The superior temporal gyrus
  9. The superior temporal sulcus
  10. The middle temporal gyrus
  11. The middle temporal sulcus
  12. The inferior temporal gyrus
  13. The inferior temporal sulcus
  14. The putamen
  15. The nucleus accumbens
  16. The optic nerves (left and right)
  17. The septum pelucidum
  18. The septal nuclei
  19. The internal capsule
  20. The external capsule
  21. The entorhinal cortex
  22. The parahippocampal gyrus
Coronal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

Figure 4.1: Coronal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

In Figure 4.2, label the following structures:

  1. The cingulate sulcus
  2. The cingulate gyrus
  3. The corpus callosum
  4. The fornix
  5. The lateral ventricle
  6. The choroid plexus
  7. The anterior commissure
  8. The insula
  9. The lateral sulcus
  10. The superior temporal gyrus
  11. The superior temporal sulcus
  12. The middle temporal gyrus
  13. The middle temporal sulcus
  14. The inferior temporal gyrus
  15. The inferior temporal sulcus
  16. The putamen
  17. The preoptic area
  18. The optic chiasm
  19. The infundibular stalk
  20. A pigment epithelial cell with extended proces
  21. The 3d ventricle
  22. The internal capsule
  23. The external capsule
  24. The claustrum
  25. The globus pallidus
  26. The anterior commissure
  27. The amygdala
  28. The entorhinal cortex
  29. The parahippocampal gyrus
Coronal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

Figure 4.2: Coronal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

In Figure 4.3, label the following structures:

  1. The cingulate sulcus
  2. The cingulate gyrus
  3. The corpus callosum
  4. The fornix
  5. The lateral ventricle
  6. The choroid plexus
  7. The caudate nucleus
  8. The thalamus
  9. The insula
  10. The lateral sulcus
  11. The superior temporal gyrus
  12. The superior temporal sulcus
  13. The middle temporal gyrus
  14. The middle temporal sulcus
  15. The inferior temporal gyrus
  16. The inferior temporal sulcus
  17. The putamen
  18. The hippocampus
  19. The 3d ventricle
  20. The internal capsule
  21. The external capsule
  22. The claustrum
  23. The globus pallidus
  24. The fornix
  25. The optic tract
  26. The hypothalamus
  27. The lateral ventricle
  28. The entorhinal cortex
  29. The parahippocampal gyrus
  30. The amygdaloid nuclei:
    • medial
    • central
    • cortical
    • basomedial
    • basolateral
    • lateral
Coronal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

Figure 4.3: Coronal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

In Figure 4.4, label the following structures:

  1. The cingulate sulcus
  2. The cingulate gyrus
  3. The corpus callosum
  4. The fornix
  5. The lateral ventricle
  6. The choroid plexus
  7. The caudate nucleus
  8. The thalamus
  9. The insula
  10. The lateral sulcus
  11. The superior temporal gyrus
  12. The superior temporal sulcus
  13. The middle temporal gyrus
  14. The middle temporal sulcus
  15. The inferior temporal gyrus
  16. The inferior temporal sulcus
  17. The putamen
  18. The hippocampus
  19. The dentate gyrus
  20. The zona incerta
  21. The substantia nigra
  22. The 3d ventricle
  23. The thalamus
  24. The internal capsule
  25. The external capsule
  26. The claustrum
  27. The globus pallidus
  28. The optic tract
  29. The lateral ventricle
  30. The subthalamic nucleus
  31. The entorhinal cortex
  32. The parahippocampal gyrus
  33. The cerebral peduncle
Coronal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

Figure 4.4: Coronal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

In Figure 4.5, label the following structures:

  1. The cingulate gyrus
  2. The corpus callosum
  3. The fornix
  4. The lateral ventricle
  5. The choroid plexus
  6. The caudate nucleus
  7. The thalamus
  8. The insula
  9. The lateral sulcus
  10. The superior temporal gyrus
  11. The superior temporal sulcus
  12. The middle temporal gyrus
  13. The middle temporal sulcus
  14. The inferior temporal gyrus
  15. The inferior temporal sulcus
  16. The putamen
  17. The hippocampus
  18. The dentate gyrus
  19. The red nucleus
  20. The substantia nigra
  21. The 3d ventricle
  22. The thalamus
  23. The internal capsule
  24. The external capsule
  25. The pons
  26. The zona incerta
  27. The globus pallidus
  28. The optic tract
  29. The lateral ventricle
  30. The subthalamic nucleus
  31. The entorhinal cortex
  32. The parahippocampal gyrus
  33. The cerebral peduncle
Coronal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

Figure 4.5: Coronal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

In Figure 4.6, label the following structures:

  1. The cingulate gyrus
  2. The corpus callosum
  3. The fornix
  4. The lateral ventricle
  5. The choroid plexus
  6. The caudate nucleus
  7. The insula
  8. The lateral sulcus
  9. The superior temporal gyrus
  10. The superior temporal sulcus
  11. The middle temporal gyrus
  12. The middle temporal sulcus
  13. The inferior temporal gyrus
  14. The inferior temporal sulcus
  15. The putamen
  16. The hippocampus
  17. The dentate gyrus
  18. The red nucleus
  19. The substantia nigra
  20. The decussation of the superior cerebellar peduncle
  21. The habenula
  22. The pineal gland
  23. The medial geniculate nucleus
  24. The lateral geniculate nucleus
  25. The cerebral peduncle
  26. The lateral ventricle
  27. The entorhinal cortex
  28. The parahippocampal gyrus
  29. The posterior commissure
  30. The cerebral aqueduct
  31. The pons
Coronal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

Figure 4.6: Coronal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

In Figure 4.7, label the following structures:

  1. The cingulate gyrus
  2. The corpus callosum
  3. The fornix
  4. The lateral ventricle
  5. The choroid plexus
  6. The caudate nucleus
  7. The thalamus
  8. The insula
  9. The lateral sulcus
  10. The superior temporal gyrus
  11. The superior temporal sulcus
  12. The middle temporal gyrus
  13. The middle temporal sulcus
  14. The inferior temporal gyrus
  15. The inferior temporal sulcus
  16. The putamen
  17. The hippocampus
  18. The dentate gyrus
  19. The pineal gland
  20. The periaqueductal grey matter
  21. The superior cerebellar peduncle
  22. The cerebral aqueduct
  23. The pulvinar
  24. The superior colliculus
  25. The lateral ventricle
  26. The oculomotor nucleus
  27. The medial longitudinal fasciculus
  28. The parahippocampal gyrus
  29. The cerebellum
  30. The pons
  31. The pyramidal tract
Coronal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

Figure 4.7: Coronal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

In Figure 4.8, label the following structures:

  1. The cingulate gyrus
  2. The corpus callosum
  3. The fornix
  4. The choroid plexus
  5. The caudate nucleus
  6. The insula
  7. The lateral sulcus
  8. The middle temporal gyrus
  9. The middle temporal sulcus
  10. The inferior temporal gyrus
  11. The inferior temporal sulcus
  12. The hippocampus
  13. The dentate gyrus
  14. The superior cerebellar peduncle
  15. The inferior olive
  16. The 4th ventricle
  17. The lateral ventricle
  18. The inferior colliculus
  19. The parahippocampal gyrus
  20. The medial longitudinal fasciculus
  21. The cerebellum
  22. The middle cerebellar peduncle
  23. The pontine reticular formation
Coronal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

Figure 4.8: Coronal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

In Figure 4.9, label the following structures:

  1. The dentate gyrus
  2. The medial vestibular nucleus
  3. The nucleus of the solitary tract
  4. The solitary tract
  5. The lateral ventricle
  6. The 4th ventricle
  7. The inferior cerebellar peduncle
  8. The inferior olive
Coronal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

Figure 4.9: Coronal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

In Figure 4.10, label the following structures:

  1. The lateral ventricle
  2. The vermis
  3. The cerebellum
  4. The inferior olive
  5. The spinal cord
Coronal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

Figure 4.10: Coronal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

In Figure 4.11, label the following structures:

  1. The calcarine sulcus
  2. The striate cortex (primary visual cortex)
  3. The vermis
  4. The cerebellum
  5. The spinal cord:
    • dorsal horn
    • ventral horn
    • dorsal column
    • lateral column
    • ventral column
Coronal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

Figure 4.11: Coronal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

4.2 A Series Of Sagittal Sections Of A Human Brain

In Figure 4.12, label the following structures:

  1. The lateral sulcus
  2. The superior temporal sulcus
  3. The middle temporal sulcus
Sagittal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

Figure 4.12: Sagittal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

In Figure 4.13, label the following structures:

  1. The lateral sulcus
  2. The superior temporal gyrus
  3. The superior temporal sulcus
  4. The middle temporal sulcus
  5. The inferior temporal sulcus
  6. The inferior temporal gyrus
  7. The central sulcus
  8. The precentral gyrus
  9. The postcentral gyrus
Sagittal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

Figure 4.13: Sagittal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

In Figure 4.14, label the following structures:

  1. The middle frontal gyrus
  2. The inferior frontal sulcus
  3. The inferior frontal gyrus
  • oprecular part
  • triangular part
  • orbital part
  1. The lateral sulcus
  2. The superior temporal gyrus
  3. The superior temporal sulcus
  4. The middle temporal sulcus
  5. The inferior temporal sulcus
  6. The inferior temporal gyrus
  7. The precentral sulcus
  8. The precentral gyrus
  9. The central sulcus
  10. The postcentral gyrus
  11. The postcentral sulcus
  12. The transverse tremporal sulci
  13. Heschl’s gyrus

Figure 4.14: (ref:s1232)

In Figure 4.15, label the following structures:

  1. The insula
  2. The lateral sulcus
  3. The cerebellum
Sagittal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

Figure 4.15: Sagittal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

In Figure 4.16, label the following structures:

  1. The insula
  2. The claustrum
  3. The tail of the caudate nucleus
  4. The hippocampus
  5. The lateral ventricle
  6. The cerebellum
Sagittal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

Figure 4.16: Sagittal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

In Figure 4.17, label the following structures:

  1. The external capsule
  2. The internal capsule
  3. The claustrum
  4. The putamen
  5. The anterior commissure
  6. The tail of the caudate nucleus
  7. The hippocampus
  8. The dentate gyrus
  9. The cerebellum
Sagittal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

Figure 4.17: Sagittal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

In Figure 4.18, label the following structures:

  1. The external capsule
  2. The internal capsule
  3. The claustrum
  4. The putamen
  5. The anterior commissure
  6. The amygdala
  7. The optic tract
  8. The tail of the caudate nucleus
  9. The hippocampus
  10. The dentate gyrus
  11. The cerebellum
Sagittal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

Figure 4.18: Sagittal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

In Figure 4.19, label the following structures:

  1. The external capsule
  2. The internal capsule
  3. The claustrum
  4. The putamen
  5. The anterior commissure
  6. The amygdala
  7. The optic tract
  8. The lateral geniculate nucleus
  9. The tail of the caudate nucleus
  10. The hippocampus
  11. The dentate gyrus
  12. The cerebellum
Sagittal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

Figure 4.19: Sagittal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

In Figure 4.20, label the following structures:

  1. The thalamic nuclei
  • pulvinar
  • ventral group
  • medial geniculate nucleus
  1. The internal capsule
  2. The claustrum
  3. The putamen
  4. The anterior commissure
  5. The amygdala
  6. The optic tract
  7. The lateral geniculate nucleus
  8. The ventral pallidum
  9. The cerebral peduncle
  10. The superior temporal gyrus
  11. The caudate nucleus
  12. The hippocampus
  13. The middle cerebellar peduncle
  14. The cerebellum
  15. The brachium of the superior colliculus
  16. The corpus callosum
  17. The fornix
  18. The superior frontal gyrus
  19. The lateral ventricle

Figure 4.20: (ref:s572)

In Figure 4.21, label the following structures:

  1. The thalamic nuclei
  • pulvinar
  • ventral group
  • medial geniculate nucleus
  1. The internal capsule
  2. The globus pallidus
  3. The ventral striatum
  4. The anterior commissure
  5. The amygdala
  6. The optic tract
  7. The lateral geniculate nucleus
  8. The ventral pallidum
  9. The cerebral peduncle
  10. The superior temporal gyrus
  11. The caudate nucleus
  12. The hippocampus
  13. The middle cerebellar peduncle
  14. The cerebellum
  15. The parieto-occipital sulcus
  16. The brachium of the superior colliculus
  17. The corpus callosum
  18. The fornix
  19. The superior frontal gyrus
  20. The lateral ventricle
Sagittal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

Figure 4.21: Sagittal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

In Figure 4.22, label the following structures:

  1. The superior frontal gyrus
  2. The thalamic nuclei
  • pulvinar
  1. The globus pallidus
  2. The ventral striatum
  3. The anterior commissure
  4. The medial geniculate nucleus
  5. The optic tract
  6. The lateral geniculate nucleus
  7. The ventral pallidum
  8. The middle cerebellar peduncle
  9. The substantia nigra
  10. The cerebral peduncle
  11. The subthalamic nucleus
  12. The cerebellum
  13. The parieto-occipital sulcus
  14. The brachium of the superior colliculus
  15. The corpus callosum
  16. The fornix
  17. The lateral ventricle
  18. The dentate nucleus
Sagittal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

Figure 4.22: Sagittal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

In Figure 4.23, label the following structures:

  1. The corpus callosum
  • the splenium
  • the body
  1. The thalamic nuclei
  • pulvinar
  • ventral group
  • centromedian gropup
  1. The anterior commissure
  2. The optic tract
  3. The caudate nucleus
  4. The middle cerebellar peduncle
  5. The cerebellum
  6. The fornix
  7. The superior frontal gyrus
  8. The lateral ventricle
  9. The parieto-occipital sulcus
  10. The brachium of the superior colliculus
  11. The brachium of the inferior colliculus
  12. The dentate nucleus
  13. The subthalamic nucleus
Sagittal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

Figure 4.23: Sagittal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

In Figure 4.24, label the following structures:

  1. The corpus callosum
  • the splenium
  • the body
  1. The thalamic nuclei
  • anterior group
  • ventral group
  • centromedian gropup
  1. The anterior commissure
  2. The hypothalamus
  3. The red nucleus
  4. The substantia nigra
  5. The cerebral peduncle
  6. The superior colliculus
  7. The pontine nuclei
  8. The optic tract
  9. The caudate nucleus
  10. The middle cerebellar peduncle
  11. The cerebellum
  12. The fornix
  13. The precuneus
  14. The cuneus
  15. The fornix
  16. The lateral ventricle
  17. The parieto-occipital sulcus
  18. The dentate nucleus
  19. The cerebellum
  20. The inferior cerebellar peduncle
Sagittal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

Figure 4.24: Sagittal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

In Figure 4.25, label the following structures:

  1. The corpus callosum
  • the splenium
  • the body
  • the genu
  1. The thalamus
  2. The anterior commissure
  3. The mammillothalamic tract
  4. The hypothalamus
  5. The red nucleus
  6. The substantia nigra
  7. The cerebral peduncle
  8. The superior colliculus
  9. The inferior colliculus
  10. The lateral lemniscus
  11. The pontine nuclei
  12. The inferior cerebellar peduncle
  13. The cerebellum
  14. The fornix
  15. The precuneus
  16. The cuneus
  17. The fornix
  18. The lateral ventricle
  19. The parieto-occipital sulcus
  20. The dentate nucleus
  21. The lingual gyrus
  22. The calcarine sulcus
  23. The cingulate sulcus
  24. The cingulate gyrus
  25. The cerebellum
Sagittal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

Figure 4.25: Sagittal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

In Figure 4.26, label the following structures:

  1. The superior frontal gyrus
  2. The corpus callosum
  • the splenium
  • the body
  • the genu
  1. The thalamus
  2. The anterior commissure
  3. The mammillothalamic tract
  4. The hypothalamus
  5. The red nucleus
  6. The substantia nigra
  7. The cerebral peduncle
  8. The superior colliculus
  9. The inferior colliculus
  10. The lateral lemniscus
  11. The pontine nuclei
  12. The superior cerebellar peduncle
  13. The inferior cerebellar peduncle
  14. The cerebellum
  15. The fornix
  16. The precuneus
  17. The cuneus
  18. The fornix
  19. The lateral ventricle
  20. The parieto-occipital sulcus
  21. The dentate nucleus
  22. The lingual gyrus
  23. The calcarine sulcus
  24. The cingulate sulcus
  25. The cingulate gyrus
  26. The cerebellum
Sagittal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

Figure 4.26: Sagittal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

In Figure 4.27, label the following structures:

  1. The superior frontal gyrus
  2. The corpus callosum
  • the splenium
  • the body
  • the genu
  1. The thalamus
  2. The anterior commissure
  3. The mammillothalamic tract
  4. The hypothalamus
  5. The red nucleus
  6. The substantia nigra
  7. The cerebral peduncle
  8. The superior colliculus
  9. The inferior colliculus
  10. The lateral lemniscus
  11. The pontine nuclei
  12. The inferior olive
  13. The cerebellar tonsil
  14. The superior cerebellar peduncle
  15. The inferior cerebellar peduncle
  16. The cerebellum
  17. The fornix
  18. The precuneus
  19. The cuneus
  20. The fornix
  21. The lateral ventricle
  22. The parieto-occipital sulcus
  23. The lingual gyrus
  24. The calcarine sulcus
  25. The cingulate sulcus
  26. The cingulate gyrus
  27. The cerebellum
Sagittal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

Figure 4.27: Sagittal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

In Figure 4.28, label the following structures:

  1. The corpus callosum
  • the splenium
  • the body
  • the genu
  1. The thalamus
  2. The anterior commissure
  3. The mammillothalamic tract
  4. The hypothalamus
  5. The red nucleus
  6. The cerebral peduncle
  7. The superior colliculus
  8. The inferior colliculus
  9. The pontine nuclei
  10. The inferior olive
  11. The cerebellar tonsil
  12. The superior cerebellar peduncle
  13. The cerebellum
  14. The fornix
  15. The precuneus
  16. The cuneus
  17. The fornix
  18. The lateral ventricle
  19. The parieto-occipital sulcus
  20. The lingual gyrus
  21. The calcarine sulcus
  22. The cingulate sulcus
  23. The cingulate gyrus
  24. The cerebellum
Sagittal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

Figure 4.28: Sagittal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

In Figure 4.29, label the following structures:

  1. The corpus callosum
  • the splenium
  • the body
  • the genu
  1. The thalamus
  2. The anterior commissure
  3. The optic chiasm
  4. The lamina terminalis
  5. The mammillothalamic tract
  6. The mammillariy nuclei
  7. The hypothalamus
  8. The red nucleus
  9. The cerebral peduncle
  10. The superior colliculus
  11. The inferior colliculus
  12. The pontine nuclei
  13. The inferior olive
  14. The cerebellar tonsil
  15. The decussation of the superior cerebellar peduncle
  16. The cerebellum
  17. The fornix
  18. The habenular commissure
  19. The septum lucidum
  20. The periaqueductal grey matter
  21. The precuneus
  22. The cuneus
  23. The fornix
  24. The lateral ventricle
  25. The parieto-occipital sulcus
  26. The lingual gyrus
  27. The calcarine sulcus
  28. The cingulate sulcus
  29. The cingulate gyrus
  30. The cerebellum
Sagittal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

Figure 4.29: Sagittal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

In Figure 4.30, label the following structures:

  1. The corpus callosum
  • the splenium
  • the body
  • the genu
  1. The thalamus
  2. The anterior commissure
  3. The optic chiasm
  4. The lamina terminalis
  5. The mammillothalamic tract
  6. The mammillariy nuclei
  7. The hypothalamus
  8. The red nucleus
  9. The cerebral peduncle
  10. The superior colliculus
  11. The inferior colliculus
  12. The pontine nuclei
  13. The inferior olive
  14. The cerebellar tonsil
  15. The decussation of the superior cerebellar peduncle
  16. The cerebellum
  17. The fornix
  18. The habenular commissure
  19. The septum lucidum
  20. The periaqueductal grey matter
  21. The precuneus
  22. The cuneus
  23. The fornix
  24. The lateral ventricle
  25. The parieto-occipital sulcus
  26. The gracile nucleus
  27. The cuneate fasciculus
  28. The 4th ventricle
  29. The lingual gyrus
  30. The calcarine sulcus
  31. The cingulate sulcus
  32. The cingulate gyrus
  33. The cerebellum
  34. The cerebral aqueduct
  35. The posterior commissure
Sagittal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

Figure 4.30: Sagittal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

4.3 A Series Of Horizontal Sections Of A Human Brain

In Figure 4.31, label the following structures:

  1. The middle frontal gyrus
  2. The superior frontal gyrus
  3. The superior frontal sulcus
  4. The medial longitudinal fissure
  5. The precuneus
  6. The cingulate gyrus
  7. The precentral sulcus
  8. The precentral gyrus
  9. The central sulcus
  10. The postcentral gyrus
  11. The postcentral sulcus
  12. The supramarginal gyrus
  13. The intraparietal sulcus
  14. The superior parietal lobule
  15. The parieto-occipital sulcus
  16. The intraparietal sulcus
Horizontal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

Figure 4.31: Horizontal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

In Figure 4.32, label the following structures:

  1. The middle frontal gyrus
  2. The inferior frontal gyrus
  3. The inferior frontal sulcus
  4. The medial longitudinal fissure
  5. The precuneus
  6. The cingulate gyrus
  7. The cingulate sulcus
  8. The superior frontal gyrus
  9. The superior frontal sulcus
  10. The angular gyrus
  11. The precentral sulcus
  12. The precentral gyrus
  13. The central sulcus
  14. The postcentral gyrus
  15. The postcentral sulcus
  16. The supramarginal gyrus
  17. The intraparietal sulcus
  18. The superior parietal lobule
  19. The parieto-occipital sulcus
  20. The intraparietal sulcus
  21. The lateral sulcus
Horizontal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

Figure 4.32: Horizontal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

In Figure 4.33, label the following structures:

  1. The middle frontal gyrus
  2. The inferior frontal gyrus
  3. The inferior frontal sulcus
  4. The medial longitudinal fissure
  5. The precuneus
  6. The cuneus
  7. The cingulate gyrus
  8. The cingulate sulcus
  9. The superior frontal gyrus
  10. The superior frontal sulcus
  11. The angular gyrus
  12. The precentral sulcus
  13. The precentral gyrus
  14. The central sulcus
  15. The postcentral gyrus
  16. The postcentral sulcus
  17. The supramarginal gyrus
  18. The intraparietal sulcus
  19. The superior parietal lobule
  20. The parieto-occipital sulcus
  21. The intraparietal sulcus
  22. the lateral sulcus
Horizontal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

Figure 4.33: Horizontal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

In Figure 4.34, label the following structures:

  1. The middle frontal gyrus
  2. The inferior frontal gyrus
  3. The inferior frontal sulcus
  4. The medial longitudinal fissure
  5. The precuneus
  6. The cuneus
  7. The cingulate gyrus
  8. The cingulate sulcus
  9. The callosal sulcus
  10. The lateral ventricle
  11. The septum pellucidum
  12. The insula
  13. The corpus callosum
  14. The superior frontal gyrus
  15. The superior frontal sulcus
  16. The angular gyrus
  17. The precentral sulcus
  18. The precentral gyrus
  19. The central sulcus
  20. The postcentral gyrus
  21. The postcentral sulcus
  22. The supramarginal gyrus
  23. The intraparietal sulcus
  24. The superior parietal lobule
  25. The parieto-occipital sulcus
  26. The intraparietal sulcus
  27. the lateral sulcus

Figure 4.34: (ref:h11100)

In Figure 4.35, label the following structures:

  1. The sulcus of the corpus callosum
  2. The splenium of the corpus callosum
  3. The lateral ventricle
  4. The septum pellucidum
  5. The insular cortex
  6. The head of the caudate nucleus
  7. The body of the caudate nucleus
  8. The external capsule
  9. The putamen
  10. The tail of the caudate nucleus
  11. The occipital horn of the lateral ventricle
  12. The fornix
  13. The medial longitudinal fissure
Horizontal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

Figure 4.35: Horizontal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

In Figure 4.36, label the following structures:

  1. The thalamic nuclei
  • reticular
  • ventroposterior
  • ventroanterior
  • ventrolateral
  • mediodorsal
  • anteroprincipal
  1. The lateral ventricle
  2. The choroid plexus
  3. The splenium of the corpus callosum
  4. The lateral ventricle
  5. The septum pellucidum
  6. The insular cortex
  7. The head of the caudate nucleus
  8. The body of the caudate nucleus
  9. The tail of the caudate nucleus
  10. The external capsule
  11. The putamen
  12. The occipital horn of the lateral ventricle
  13. The fornix
  14. The medial longitudinal fissure
  15. The vermis of the cerebellum
  16. The dentate gyrus
  17. The internal capsule
  18. The subiculum
  19. The primary visual cortex
  20. The calcarine sulcus
  21. The fornix
  22. The cingulate sulcus
  23. The cingulate gyrus
  24. The genu of the corpus callosum
Horizontal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

Figure 4.36: Horizontal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

In Figure 4.37, label the following structures:

  1. The thalamic nuclei
  • pulvinar
  • reticular
  • ventroposterior
  • ventroanterior
  • ventrolateral
  • mediodorsal
  1. The habenula
  2. The lateral ventricle
  3. The septum pellucidum
  4. The insular cortex
  5. The head of the caudate nucleus
  6. The tail of the caudate nucleus
  7. The external capsule
  8. The fornix
  9. The septal nuclei
  10. The medial longitudinal fissure
  11. The vermis of the cerebellum
  12. The dentate gyrus
  13. The subiculum
  14. The primary visual cortex
  15. The calcarine sulcus
  16. The choroid plexus
  17. The superior temporal gyrus
  18. The putamen
Horizontal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

Figure 4.37: Horizontal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

In Figure 4.38, label the following structures:

  1. The thalamic nuclei
  • pulvinar
  • reticular
  1. The 3d ventricle
  2. The fimbria of the hippocampus
  3. The claustrum
  4. The medial geniculate nucleus
  5. The lateral geniculate nucleus
  6. The superior colliculus
  7. The cerebellum
  8. The head of the caudate nucleus
  9. The tail of the caudate nucleus
  10. The external capsule
  11. The fornix
  12. The septal nuclei
  13. The medial longitudinal fissure
  14. The cerebellum
  15. The dentate gyrus
  16. The hippocampus
  17. The subiculum
  18. The optic tract
  19. The insular cortex
  20. The primary visual cortex
  21. The calcarine sulcus
  22. The choroid plexus
  23. The superior temporal gyrus
  24. The putamen
Horizontal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

Figure 4.38: Horizontal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

In Figure 4.39, label the following structures:

  1. The cerebral aqueduct
  2. The mammillothalamic tract
  3. The red nucleus
  4. The choroid plexus
  5. The cerebral peduncle
  6. The fimbria of the hippocampus
  7. The medial geniculate nucleus
  8. The lateral geniculate nucleus
  9. The inferior colliculus
  10. The cerebellum
  11. The vermis of the cerebellum
  12. The external capsule
  13. The claustrum
  14. The ventral striatum
  15. The medial longitudinal fissure
  16. The vermis of the cerebellum
  17. The dentate gyrus
  18. The hippocampus
  19. The subiculum
  20. The optic tract
  21. The insular cortex
  22. The primary visual cortex
  23. The calcarine sulcus
  24. The substantia nigra
  25. The fornix
  26. The optic tract
  27. The external capsule
Horizontal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

Figure 4.39: Horizontal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

In Figure 4.40, label the following structures:

  1. The cerebral aqueduct
  2. The red nucleus
  3. The choroid plexus
  4. The cerebral peduncle
  5. The dorsal raphe nucleus
  6. The periaqueductal grey area
  7. The 3d ventricle
  8. The fimbria of the hippocampus
  9. The medial geniculate nucleus
  10. The lateral geniculate nucleus
  11. The inferior colliculus
  12. The cerebellum
  13. The vermis of the cerebellum
  14. The external capsule
  15. The claustrum
  16. The ventral striatum
  17. The medial longitudinal fissure
  18. The vermis of the cerebellum
  19. The dentate gyrus
  20. The hippocampus
  21. The subiculum
  22. The optic tract
  23. The insular cortex
  24. The primary visual cortex
  25. The substantia nigra
  26. The medial lemniscus
  27. The amygdala
  28. The orbital gyri
  29. The ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus
  30. The ventral striatum
  31. The fornix
  32. The optic tract
  33. The external capsule
Horizontal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

Figure 4.40: Horizontal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

In Figure 4.41, label the following structures:

  1. The cerebral aqueduct
  2. The red nucleus
  3. The choroid plexus
  4. The cerebral peduncle
  5. The dorsal raphe nucleus
  6. The periaqueductal grey area
  7. The 3d ventricle
  8. The fimbria of the hippocampus
  9. The medial geniculate nucleus
  10. The lateral geniculate nucleus
  11. The inferior colliculus
  12. The cerebellum
  13. The vermis of the cerebellum
  14. The external capsule
  15. The claustrum
  16. The ventral striatum
  17. The medial longitudinal fissure
  18. The vermis of the cerebellum
  19. The dentate gyrus
  20. The hippocampus
  21. The subiculum
  22. The optic tract
  23. The insular cortex
  24. The primary visual cortex
  25. The substantia nigra
  26. The medial lemniscus
  27. The amygdala
  28. The orbital gyri
  29. The ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus
  30. The ventral striatum
  31. The fornix
  32. The optic tract
  33. The external capsule
Horizontal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

Figure 4.41: Horizontal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

In Figure 4.42, label the following structures:

  1. The cerebral aqueduct
  2. The arcuate hypothalamic nucleus
  3. The choroid plexus
  4. The cerebral peduncle
  5. The dorsal raphe nucleus
  6. The periaqueductal grey area
  7. The 3d ventricle
  8. The fimbria of the hippocampus
  9. The locus coeruleus
  10. The cerebellum
  11. The vermis of the cerebellum
  12. The external capsule
  13. The claustrum
  14. The medial longitudinal fissure
  15. The vermis of the cerebellum
  16. The dentate gyrus
  17. The hippocampus
  18. The subiculum
  19. The optic tract
  20. The insular cortex
  21. The primary visual cortex
  22. The substantia nigra
  23. The medial lemniscus
  24. The amygdala
  25. The orbital gyri
  26. The optic tract
  27. The external capsule
  28. The olfactory sulcus
  29. The interpeduncular fossa
  30. The decussation of the superior cerebellar peduncles
  31. The medial lemniscus
  32. The 3d ventricle
  33. The 4th ventricle
  34. The raphe nucleus
Horizontal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

Figure 4.42: Horizontal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

In Figure 4.43, label the following structures:

  1. The arcuate hypothalamic nucleus
  2. The infundibular stalk
  3. The raphe nuclei
  4. The central grey of the pons
  5. The 3d ventricle
  6. The locus coeruleus
  7. The cerebellum
  8. The vermis of the cerebellum
  9. The external capsule
  10. The medial longitudinal fissure
  11. The vermis of the cerebellum
  12. The dentate gyrus
  13. The hippocampus
  14. The subiculum
  15. The optic nerve
  16. The insular cortex
  17. The claustrum
  18. The primary visual cortex
  19. The medial lemniscus
  20. The amygdala
  21. The medial lemniscus
  22. The 4th ventricle
  23. The trigeminal nerve
  24. The superior cerebellar peduncle
  25. The central tegmental tract
Horizontal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

Figure 4.43: Horizontal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

In Figure 4.44, label the following structures:

  1. The raphe nuclei
  2. The central grey of the pons
  3. The 3d ventricle
  4. The locus coeruleus
  5. The cerebellum
  6. The vermis of the cerebellum
  7. The external capsule
  8. The medial longitudinal fissure
  9. The dentate gyrus
  10. The hippocampus
  11. The subiculum
  12. The optic nerve
  13. The primary visual cortex
  14. The amygdala
  15. The medial lemniscus
  16. The 4th ventricle
  17. The trigeminal nerve
  18. The superior cerebellar peduncle
  19. The central tegmental tract
  20. The dentate nucleus
  21. The emboliform nucleus
  22. The fastigial nucleus
  23. The medial lemniscus
  24. The entorhinal cortex
  25. The lateral ventricle
Horizontal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

Figure 4.44: Horizontal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

In Figure 4.45, label the following structures:

  1. The raphe nuclei
  2. The central grey of the pons
  3. The 3d ventricle
  4. The locus coeruleus
  5. The cerebellum
  6. The vermis of the cerebellum
  7. The external capsule
  8. The medial longitudinal fissure
  9. The dentate gyrus
  10. The hippocampus
  11. The subiculum
  12. The optic nerve
  13. The primary visual cortex
  14. The amygdala
  15. The medial lemniscus
  16. The 4th ventricle
  17. The trigeminal nerve
  18. The superior cerebellar peduncle
  19. The dentate nucleus
  20. The emboliform nucleus
  21. The fastigial nucleus
  22. The medial lemniscus
  23. The entorhinal cortex
  24. The lateral ventricle
Horizontal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

Figure 4.45: Horizontal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

In Figure 4.46, label the following structures:

  1. The solitary tract and nucleus
  2. The facial nucleus
  3. The facial nerve root
  4. The olivary nuclei
  5. The raphe nuclei
  6. The central grey of the pons
  7. The 3d ventricle
  8. The locus coeruleus
  9. The cerebellum
  10. The vermis of the cerebellum
  11. The external capsule
  12. The medial longitudinal fissure
  13. The dentate gyrus
  14. The hippocampus
  15. The subiculum
  16. The 4th ventricle
  17. The trigeminal nerve
  18. The superior cerebellar peduncle
  19. The dentate nucleus
  20. The entorhinal cortex
  21. The superior vestibular nucleus
  22. The spinal trigeminal nucleus
  23. The middle cerebellar peduncle
  24. The central tegmental tract
  25. The reticular formation
Horizontal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

Figure 4.46: Horizontal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

In Figure 4.47, label the following structures:

  1. The solitary tract and nucleus
  2. The facial motor nucleus
  3. The corticospinal fibers
  4. The superior olivary nuclei
  5. The cerebellum
  6. The vermis of the cerebellum
  7. The dentate gyrus
  8. The 4th ventricle
  9. The trigeminal nerve
  10. The superior cerebellar peduncle
  11. The dentate nucleus
  12. The entorhinal cortex
  13. The superior vestibular nucleus
  14. The spinal trigeminal nucleus
  15. The spinal trigeminal tract
  16. The middle cerebellar peduncle
  17. The central tegmental tract
  18. The reticular formation
  19. The middle cerebellar peduncle
  20. The cerebellar tonsil
  21. The medial longitudinal fasciculus
  22. The medial vestibular nucleus
Horizontal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

Figure 4.47: Horizontal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

In Figure 4.48, label the following structures:

  1. The solitary tract and nucleus
  2. The corticospinal fibers
  3. The cerebellum
  4. The vermis of the cerebellum
  5. The 4th ventricle
  6. The inferior cerebellar peduncle
  7. The medial vestibular nucleus
  8. The spinal trigeminal nucleus
  9. The spinal trigeminal tract
  10. The inferior cerebellar peduncle
  11. The cerebellar tonsil
  12. The medial longitudinal fasciculus
  13. The ventral cochlear nucleus
  14. The dorsal cochlear nucleus
  15. The hypoglossal nucleus
  16. The inferior vestibular nucleus
  17. The pontine nuclei
  18. The inferior olive
  19. The medial lemniscus
Horizontal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

Figure 4.48: Horizontal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

In Figure 4.49, label the following structures:

  1. The solitary tract and nucleus
  2. The corticospinal fibers
  3. The cerebellum
  4. The 4th ventricle
  5. The inferior cerebellar peduncle
  6. The inferior vestibular nucleus
  7. The spinal trigeminal tract
  8. The inferior cerebellar peduncle
  9. The cerebellar tonsil
  10. The medial longitudinal fasciculus
  11. The ventral cochlear nucleus
  12. The dorsal cochlear nucleus
  13. The hypoglossal nucleus
  14. The inferior vestibular nucleus
  15. The pontine nuclei
  16. The inferior olive
  17. The medial lemniscus
  18. The choroid plexus
Horizontal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

Figure 4.49: Horizontal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

In Figure 4.50, label the following structures:

  1. The corticospinal fibers
  2. The cerebellum
  3. The 4th ventricle
  4. The inferior cerebellar peduncle
  5. The inferior vestibular nucleus
  6. The cerebellar tonsil
  7. The medial longitudinal fasciculus
  8. The ventral cochlear nucleus
  9. The hypoglossal nucleus
  10. The inferior vestibular nucleus
  11. The pontine nuclei
  12. The inferior olive
  13. The medial lemniscus
  14. The choroid plexus
  15. The dorsal cochlear nucleus
  16. The external cuneate nucleus
  17. The dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus
  18. The solitary nucleus
  19. The hypoglossal nucleus
  20. The spinal trigeminal nucleus
  21. The spinal trigeminal tract
Horizontal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

Figure 4.50: Horizontal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

In Figure 4.51, label the following structures:

  1. The corticospinal fibers
  2. The cerebellum
  3. The 4th ventricle
  4. The inferior cerebellar peduncle
  5. The inferior vestibular nucleus
  6. The cerebellar tonsil
  7. The cuneate nucleus
  8. The external cuneate nucleus
  9. The vestibulocochlear nerve
  10. The medial longitudinal fasciculus
  11. The dorsal cochlear nucleus
  12. The hypoglossal nucleus
  13. The inferior vestibular nucleus
  14. The medial lemniscus
  15. The choroid plexus
  16. The dorsal cochlear nucleus
  17. The dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus
  18. The solitary nucleus
  19. The spinal trigeminal nucleus
  20. The spinal trigeminal tract
  21. The solitary tract
Horizontal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

Figure 4.51: Horizontal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

In Figure 4.52, label the following structures:

  1. The corticospinal fibers
  2. The cerebellum
  3. The 4th ventricle
  4. The inferior cerebellar peduncle
  5. The inferior vestibular nucleus
  6. The cerebellar tonsil
  7. The external cuneate nucleus
  8. The medial longitudinal fasciculus
  9. The hypoglossal nucleus
  10. The decussatin of the medial lemniscus
  11. The dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus
  12. The solitary nucleus
  13. The spinal trigeminal nucleus
  14. The spinal trigeminal tract
  15. The solitary tract
  16. The lateral reticular nucleus
  17. The gracile nucleus
Horizontal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

Figure 4.52: Horizontal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

In Figure 4.53, label the following structures:

  1. The corticospinal fibers
  2. The cerebellum
  3. The 4th ventricle
  4. The inferior cerebellar peduncle
  5. The inferior vestibular nucleus
  6. The cerebellar tonsil
  7. The external cuneate nucleus
  8. The medial longitudinal fasciculus
  9. The hypoglossal nucleus
  10. The decussatin of the medial lemniscus
  11. The dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus
  12. The solitary nucleus
  13. The spinal trigeminal nucleus
  14. The spinal trigeminal tract
  15. The solitary tract
  16. The lateral reticular nucleus
  17. The gracile nucleus
Horizontal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

Figure 4.53: Horizontal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

In Figure 4.54, label the following structures:

  1. The corticospinal fibers
  2. The pyramids
  3. The accessory nucleus
  4. The cerebellum
  5. The 4th ventricle
  6. The inferior cerebellar peduncle
  7. The inferior vestibular nucleus
  8. The cerebellar tonsil
  9. The cuneate nucleus
  10. The medial longitudinal fasciculus
  11. The hypoglossal nucleus
  12. The decussatin of the medial lemniscus
  13. The solitary nucleus
  14. The spinal trigeminal nucleus
  15. The spinal trigeminal tract
  16. The solitary tract
  17. The lateral reticular nucleus
  18. The gracile nucleus
  19. The inferior cerebellar peduncle
Horizontal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

Figure 4.54: Horizontal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

In Figure 4.55, label the following structures:

  1. The pyramids
  2. The pyramidal decussation
  3. The accessory nucleus
  4. The cerebellum
  5. The 4th ventricle
  6. The inferior cerebellar peduncle
  7. The inferior vestibular nucleus
  8. The cerebellar tonsil
  9. The cuneate nucleus
  10. The cuneate fasciculus
  11. The medial longitudinal fasciculus
  12. The spinal trigeminal nucleus
  13. The spinal trigeminal tract
  14. The solitary tract
  15. The lateral reticular nucleus
  16. The gracile nucleus
  17. The gracile fasciculus
  18. The medial motor nuclei
Horizontal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

Figure 4.55: Horizontal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

In Figure 4.56, label the following structures:

  1. The pyramidal decussation
  2. The accessory nucleus
  3. The cerebellum
  4. The cerebellar tonsil
  5. The cuneate nucleus
  6. The cuneate fasciculus
  7. The spinal trigeminal nucleus
  8. The substantia gelatinosa
  9. The lateral reticular nucleus
  10. The gracile nucleus
  11. The gracile fasciculus
  12. The medial motor nuclei
  13. The central grey
Horizontal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.

Figure 4.56: Horizontal section from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation.