
This text was assembled using various pages from Wikipedia and pictures of brains and brain sections from the The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank which acknowledges their support from the National Science Foundation as my source. I copied text passages from many Wikipedia pages, remixed, edited, adapted and suplemented it with my own words to assemble the chapters of this text. I make this text available as an open educational resource under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported United States License (same as Wikipedia) for others to do as I did and freely copy, remix, edit and adapt as required. Illustrations with associated hyperlinks are from The Human Brain Atlas at the Michigan State University Brain Biodiveristy Bank and Wikimedia Commons, which should be consulted for copyright details. Pictures and illustrations that I generated myself are subject to the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported United States License. I want to thank all the contributors and supporters of Wikipedia for making it possible and keeping it relevant. I am grateful for the support provided by the Salem State University’s OER initiative. I urge you to email me with your criticisms and suggestions.