1 Course Description
This course provides an introduction to the biology and classification of plants, fungi, and animals, their tissues, organ systems, development and reproduction. Four hours of lecture and a two-hour lab session are required each week.
1.1 Learning Objectives
Understand and explain the evolutionary relationships between the major groups of fungi, plants and animals, and their relationships with their habitats, and with other groups of organisms.
Identify the appropriate external and internal structures and their functions in representative organisms.
Identify some of the distinguishing characteristics of the major fungi, plant and animal groups studied, and to be able to recognize and/or give examples of organisms belonging to these major groups.
Identify (through the microscope, and in diagrams) representative examples of the major somatic tissue groups, and to demonstrate understanding of their characteristics, functions, and location in the vertebrate organism.
Identify the basic anatomy of the different organ systems studied, and to understand the related basic physiology.
Recognize some of the factors which influence human health, and the causes and symptoms of some common human diseases.
Learn and demonstrate basic lab dissections.